
208, 2022

FOM Update August 2022

2 August 2022|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Invitation: Baroque to the Future & much more Last year, with assistance from the Friends of Orchestral Music, the South African National Youth Orchestra (SANYO) held a strings course on Baroque music with specialist Erik Dippenaar. This proved so successful

1507, 2022


15 July 2022|FOM News, Newsletters|

CHAIRMAN’S WELCOME FROM THE STAGE – FOM BENEFIT GALA 2022 (Preceded by Louis Heyneman’s Welcome) Thank you, Louis. Every great orchestra is supported by an enthusiastic volunteer body of Friends. The CPO and FOM exemplify this perfectly and FOM has been supporting the CPO for

3006, 2022

FOM Update June 2022

30 June 2022|FOM News, Newsletters|

Dear Friends The last concert of the season takes place tomorrow - Thursday 30th June at the City Hall with a rare chance to hear the organ in full glory. Organist James Jones joins conductor Robert Moody for the Poulenc Concert for Organ, Timpani and

1205, 2022

FOM AGM 2022

12 May 2022|Newsletters|

NOTICE OF THE VIRTUAL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF ORCHESTRAL MUSIC TO BE HELD:  VIA: ZOOM AT: 18:00 ON: THURSDAY 26 MAY 2022 Dear Members, Normally our AGM immediately precedes a soiree. Unfortunately, as we are still navigating the arrangements to host soirees

905, 2022

FOM News May: Rehearsal bookings open for June

9 May 2022|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Tickets are on sale now for the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra's winter season! It was wonderful to see audiences returning to the City Hall in April and the Friends of Orchestral Music are looking forward to hosting the final dress

1904, 2022


19 April 2022|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music The Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra are already half way through their wonderful Autumn Symphony Season LIVE at theCity Hall - with two concerts to go.  We invite you to join us on the morning of the concert to experience the final dress rehearsal and also assist the orchestra with much needed

2501, 2022

January Update: FOM 2022

25 January 2022|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Welcome to our first newsletter for 2022. We are cautiously looking forward to a wonderful music filled year ahead with concerts opening up. We urge you to renew your memberships to FOM if you have not yet done so, at

2312, 2021

FOM: 2021 review and looking forward

23 December 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music It seems like déjà vu that we write at the end of 2021 with the 4th wave of Covid hanging over us. Moving forwards all planning remains in limbo and the arts is in need of our help more than ever. We

910, 2021

FOM October: CTCS Invitation

9 October 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music The Cape Town Concert Series would once again like to invite you to join for their upcoming recital featuring pianist Megan-Geoffrey Prins who will be collaborating with violinist Annien Shaw on Saturday 23rd October, 11am at the Baxter. The lush programme

1409, 2021

FOM September: CTCS Baroque Invitation

14 September 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Finally the theatres are starting to open again, and the Cape Town Concert Series once more extends an invitation to Friends of Orchestral Music to enjoy a live recital at the Baxter Concert Hall on Saturday 25th September. Before Covid-19

2207, 2021

FOM Update: July 2021

22 July 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Just as things started to open up again - so they closed! With winter also on our doorsteps, perhaps it has not been the worst time to rather stay indoors and find solace with the CPO Winter Cyber Symphonies and

1106, 2021

Notice of FOM Annual General Meeting 2021

11 June 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Members, Normally our AGM immediately precedes a soiree. Unfortunately, our 2020 AGM had to be convened as a remote meeting in accordance with the Lock Down regulations. We have decided to continue to keep our members safe during current level 2 restrictions, and once again will hold our

2205, 2021


22 May 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Exciting news with Live classical events opening up: Following the success of their first concert of the year with members of the CPO, the Cape Town Concert Series is hosting their next recital on Saturday 29 May at 11am in

1604, 2021

FOM Chairman’s Message: April 2021

16 April 2021|Newsletters|

Chairman’s Message to the Members of the  Friends of Orchestral Music 15 April 2021  Dear Members, MEMBERSHIP DRIVE – 2021  2020 was a year like no other. We only had time to enjoy the CPO Summer Season before the Covid pandemic changed our lives so

1504, 2021

FOM Update: CTCS Concert with CPO

15 April 2021|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music   The Cape Town Concert Series is excited to present it's first live concert of 2021 and what better way than by collaborating with musicians from the Cape Town Philharmonic Orchestra to present some fantastic chamber music live on stage

1812, 2020

FOM Update: Time to renew for 2021

18 December 2020|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Thank you for supporting the Friends during this particularly difficult year. While there have been few events to attend, your support has meant that FOM has remained busy. Under our Individual Study Portfolio, we were able to offer support to

1810, 2020

FOM News: The Music Plays On…

18 October 2020|FOM News, Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Time has been certainly been rather surreal this year - with online events taking over our usual social encounters - whether for work or pleasure, and while we have reached level 1 and many activities are returning to some sense

2008, 2020

FOM News: Education Update

20 August 2020|Newsletters|

Dear Friends of Orchestral Music Thank you for your support with the recent fundraising drives for our education portfolios to take their lessons online and cover additional fees of students who were unable to continue otherwise due to the pressures of Covid.  All the Orchestral

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